Why did you start Adele's Baskets?

I started Adele's Baskets because I feel that families who have a baby born with Down syndrome deserve to hear 'congratulations' and that 'it will be ok'. Families aren't always given the diagnosis in a comforting and loving way, instead they are told that something is wrong with their baby or they hear 'I'm sorry, but your baby has Down syndrome'. Every baby deserves a warm welcome. It is quite the shock to be given the news and it is overwhelming and your mind races and fear takes over. I want to provide a family with some comfort, answer questions and reassure them that although it wasn't the journey that they expected, it will be beautiful.


How many families to date have you delivered to?

We are coming up on 170 baskets in total and recently, we expanded to Lethbridge, Red Deer and Edmonton.


How do the families react to your visits?

Almost all of the families are very grateful and have lots of questions. There are times though when the family feels too overwhelmed and it's difficult for them to express their emotions to a stranger. There have been times when the mom and dad have not yet shared the news with their own families. I need to be respectful of where they are at and provide as much support as I can. Most families love knowing that we are on the same team. I reassure them that I understand and that there is no doubt that they love their baby madly......it was unexpected news and it takes time to digest all of the information. One day at a time and one step at a time.

Adele's Baskets

"You don’t know me or my family, but you have made a tremendous difference in my life. We were told that [our baby girl] had Down syndrome and that she was going to have a whole host of health issues. Just as panic was starting to take over, a friend of mine walked in carrying a huge basket of gifts. I tracked down your FB page and after reading your story, I began to feel like maybe we might be ok. Thank you for pulling me out of that initial panic."

"I wanted to thank you for coming to visit us at the NICU at the South Health Campus with the beautiful gift basket. It felt like you brought some normalcy to our newly hectic life."

"I got home last night and the sheer enormity of everything really hit me. Then I began opening the beautiful packages that you brought and I broke down. I needed to. It’s ok for me to break down once in awhile and feel scared and overwhelmed. Your beautiful gifts, love, and passion for my boys made me realize this. I thank you from the bottom of my heart."

"I’ve been meaning to finally thank you for all the wonderful gifts you gave us shortly after our baby was born. It meant a great deal to us. You are a light when people may feel like they’re in dark place”.
“Thank you so much for coming to talk to us, not once, but three times. Before when I looked at my son, I felt scared. But, now after seeing the beautiful basket and talking with you, I look at my son and I feel pride."

The Superhero Project

"A beautiful idea that a basket of toys, gifts and supportive resources can bring comfort to a child and their family undergoing oncology treatment at the ACH. Our sweet boy, Jude, was diagnosed with Leukemia on July 25 and is currently in his second round of chemotherapy. Thankfully, Jude's prognosis is very good and he is doing well. Truly, a Superhero in every way. Thanks to the kindness of these two amazing women and all their generous supporters, Jude received a bundle of comfort and support when we needed it most! As the parent of a child with cancer, I can attest to the comfort and peace that this gift gave us and that the little Superman doll continues to bring Jude."