#IMREADY – Changing the Face of Beauty

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On November 1st, 2014, Changing the Face of Beauty launched a campaign encouraging everyone to call out their favourite retailers and asked them to include models of different abilities in 2015.  When one sweet little girl graced the pages of Target’s flyer, the world stepped up, sharing the flyer and picture. It went viral quickly, letting the world know that it’s time to change […]

Christmas Unplugged

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I was thinking about how I want to spend my Christmas. The past three weeks have been hectic, full of appointments and dates and outings with the girls. It’s been a lot of go go go. I try hard to keep to a schedule with the girls and work at not depriving them of their […]

And the Winner Is…..Lysol

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  Well, it’s cold and flu season! Since Adele, life has changed dramatically when it comes to germs and viruses. Our family is very cautious because Adele does have a more fragile immune system and her muscle tone is weaker than a typical child’s immune system. Hypotonia has some negatives aspects, in that it is […]

“I’m Sorry That Your Baby Has Down Syndrome”

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You’ve just received a pre-natal diagnosis. Your doctor tells you that your unborn baby has Down syndrome. The doctor says “I’m sorry” and sends you on your way with some statistics and a pamphlet. Your head is spinning. Your hopes and dreams just came to a halt. Your heart hurts. You are desperate to hear […]

Dear New Mom….Love, Krista

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In the past few weeks, I have handed out three baskets. Three different journeys, three different stories. Each basket that I deliver, I go in with an open mind, the way they are received, each situation has been special and unique. Today, I received a text from the social worker at the hospital. You just […]